DONATE if you want to grow a collective of educators, youth, and worker-writers who use the art of social engagement to design, facilitate, and consult; who transform the educational process and develop humane management practices. Help us create horizontal learning spaces, multimedia ethnographies, and pop-up galleries in schools, worker centers, and nonprofits. Contribute to work that is interdisciplinary, guided by the science of social connection, and dedicated to promoting equity, access, voice, and justice. Support our Young People's Archive so that youth can continue to facilitate workshops that empower students of all ages to dare to ask questions, be brave enough to listen across differences, place themselves inside other people's words, and create digital audio-ethnographies. Sponsor teaching fellows in our Teacher's Institute to empower them to be creative educators while our Worker Writers School facilitates creative writing workshops for the global working class.




Prefer to send a check?

Make it payable to East Side Freedom Library with The Ed Factory in the memo:

The Ed Factory

PO Box 86

Canaan, NY 12029