
Social Poetics (Minneapolis: Coffee House Press, 2020).

Coal Mountain Elementary (Minneapolis: Coffee House Press, 2009).

Shut Up Shut Down (Minneapolis: Coffee House Press, 2004).

 • Revenants (Minneapolis: Coffee House Press, 2000).

Then, and Now: Selected Poems 1943-1993: Theodore Enslin (Chicago: National Poetry Foundation, 1999).

Visit Teepee Town: Native Writings After the Detours, Mark Nowak and Diane Glancy, eds. (Minneapolis: Coffee House Press, 1999).


• “Panthers, Patriots, and Poetries in Revolution,” Organize Your Own, Art Exhibition Catalog (forthcoming, 2016).

Review of They Can't Represent Us! Reinventing Democracy from Greece to Occupy, Labor Studies Journal (2014).

• “Imaginative Militancy and Transnational Poetry Dialogues,” Radical History Review (2012).

Review of You Work Tomorrow: An Anthology of American Labor Poetry, 1929-1941, Labor Studies Journal (2009).

Review of The Way We Work: Contemporary Writings from the American Workplace, Labor History (2009).

• Thirty-five short essays on global working-class literature and film for The Poetry Foundation (Harriet Blog), 2008-2010, archived at


• “Independent Bookstores on Remainder,” The Progressive (July 2007).

• “Notes toward an Anti-capitalist Poetics II,” American Poets in the 21st Century: The New Poetics, Claudia Rankine, ed. (Middletown: Wesleyan University Press, 2007).

• “To Commit Suicide in Buffalo is Redundant’: Music and Death in Zero City, 1982-1984.” in Goth: Undead Subculture.  Ed. Lauren Goodlad and Michael Bibby (Durham: Duke University Press 2007).

• “Notes Toward an Anti-capitalist Poetics” (commissioned by Adrienne Rich for a special symposium on her work), Virginia Quarterly Review (2006).

• ¡Workers of the Word, Unite and Fight! (essays, Palm Press, 2005—includes the essay “Neoliberalism, Collective Action, and the American MFA Industry”).

• “Open Book, Case Closed: The Democratic Paradox of Minnesota’s New Literary Center,” Chicago Review 47: 1 (Spring 2001): 142-145.